Saturday, February 14, 2009

Me, Mswati III spolied?

Sobhuza II spoiled me!

Everybody wants to blame me for something but so what if my subjects get food from the UN. Let the rest of the world care about them - I don't care as long as I get what want!

Anyway my father, Sobhuza II, spoiled me so it's not my fault.

My father's real name was Nkhotfotjeni which means "lizard" in English and when he was 68 years old he showed his manhood to my 19 year old mother. Nowadays people call him a pedophile but as I have said before "we have a unique culture in Swaziland".

My mom was not at any Reed Dance. No, no, no! She was a servant maid to one of his wives. Her name is Ntombi Thwala and if I must admit, I shall say she was Sobhuza's concubine. Yes, you see my mother did not come from any big name family - she's a nobody, just a 'commoner' as we royal Dlaminis say. Her father was not an important chief - just a nobody as well.

So the lizard impregnated the maid and.... well, there is more to that story but I don't want to continue writing because it's not about me. Here's the important part - I was born!

Dad called me Makhosetive - that means "King of all nations". Don't you see how important I am in this vast world?

But he did spoil me.

He gave me everything and really indulged me.

So why shouldn't I have everything - Daddy said so!

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